Communications with Shareholders
Melrose provides a consistent and transparent flow of information and management insight to shareholders and to the wider investment community, taking an honest, transparent and open approach to investor relations and communications.
We recognise that analysts require robust information in order to inform the research and analysis that they provide to investors, and investors benefit from disclosure in line with regulatory requirements, as well as enhanced disclosure on topics that are material to the Company, to inform their independent investment decisions.
The Board and Melrose senior management team have an annual programme of key information publications and engagement activities including regular trading updates, open agenda meetings for key shareholders attended by the Chairman and/or the Senior Independent Director, where requested, and a Q&A forum for shareholders at Melrose’s Annual General Meeting.
In May 2023, the Executive Directors hosted a capital markets event in London to provide further information to, and interact directly with, key shareholders, analysts and their representatives on Melrose’s new business strategy. This was subsequently followed in October 2023 by an investor event focusing on our Engines division, which took place at our key site in Trollhättan, Sweden.
The Group Company Secretariat engaged with, and facilitated discussions involving members of the Board with, the responsible stewardship and sustainability representatives of key investors on a variety of topics including the Demerger and the 2024 Directors’ remuneration policy proposal.