Materiality topics
As a premium listed company, we are accountable to our shareholders and broader stakeholders to ensure our sustainability strategy and performance are meaningful, impactful and relevant to their expectations.
Therefore, we ensure that the setting of sustainability priorities for our business is informed by data-driven analysis, and in 2023, we conducted our first double materiality assessment to identify the topics most relevant.
Materiality updates
With new near-term targets announced in 2024, we will reassess our medium and long-term targets over the following years to reflect our ambition and strategy. In 2023, we undertook a new double materiality assessment to guide our sustainability commitments, targets, investments and programmes, and help integrate sustainability more deeply into our broader business strategy.
Our new priority material topics are: Product safety and quality; Climate change: mitigation and adaptation; R&D for sustainable aviation; and Business integrity. These will help focus our efforts and investment in the most pressing and relevant areas of the GKN Aerospace business, and the aerospace sector at large, in pursuit of decarbonising the sector as a whole. By understanding the challenges and opportunities inherent in our industry, we have refocused our efforts towards a more sustainable and resilient future for our business and the aerospace sector as a whole, which is reflected in our new sustainability strategy. As we reset our strategy, we will commit to new sustainability targets that exemplify our dedication to reducing the impact of our operations on the planet.